Jesus Is Better - Hebrews 8:1-13
1/ Jesus’ righteousness > My righteousness
2/ Light > Shadows
3/ New covenant > Old covenant
Think back on the court trials that you remember happening in your lifetime? Why were they so well known? Was the person declared guilty or not guilty?
If we were to stand trial before God, what crimes could we be accused of? Are we righteous? (Of course not)
What has Christ done for us in our standing before God? What kind of encouragement is this to you?
Have people make a personal list in a notebook of the “copies and shadows” that they see throughout the week. Give them time to make the list before they share with others.
How are we personally guilty of missing the light for the copies and shadows?
How can we better use the copies and shadows to point us to the light?
What is the old covenant?
What is the new covenant?
How is the new covenant better than the old covenant?