Northside Men
Equipping the men of Northside Church to surrender their lives to Jesus, share their lives with others and live sent by the power of the Holy Spirit.
As a church, we believe God designs every man to lead, provide, and protect. To equip men to pursue this design for their lives, our men’s ministry offers a full calendar of events, Bible studies, groups, and trainings. Every man needs God’s word and God’s people to grow and mature. We urge you to wage war against isolation and find your people at Northside.
Meat Up
Meat Up - God’s word, good food, and great men are three gifts that God in his grace gives to us. Check out our upcoming list of future Meat Ups. These events offer you a great opportunity to connect with other Northside men. Check out our events page to register for the next Men’s Meat Up event.
Bible Study
The Bible tells us, “do not be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” We believe God’s word renews our minds and helps us to grow and change. Join us for our next Men’s Bible Study. Check out our events page to register for the next Men’s Bible Study.
Community Groups
At Northside Church we believe life is intended to be lived in community. You and I are never at our best when we are alone. Community Groups are the primary and ongoing way for you to connect with others. Groups meet at various times and locations throughout the week. Check out a group near you.
Discipleship Groups
Discipleship Groups are small groups of men or women that meet regularly using God’s word to grow in loving and obeying Jesus. Each groups meets to celebrate the good things in their lives, explore what they’ve learned in scripture that week, confess things that they may be struggling with, and take focused time to pray for one another.