Foster Care & Adoption Ministry
Everyone can do something.
Foster Care & Adoption Ministry
The Foster & Adoption Ministry supports families in our church who are following the call into Foster Care, Respite Care, and Adoption. We serve as a community of care by offering support groups, continual care for foster families, and ongoing training through ministry partners. We provide opportunities for our church family to support those who have needs and the families who are meeting the needs of children in care.
Everyone can do something.
I can help serve families who are supporting children by meeting short-term, immediate needs.
Join a CARE TEAM to help provide meals & support to Foster families (Sign up to join our meal train list here)
I’m ready to serve families who are supporting children by giving my time & resources in a consistent capacity.
Consistent Child Care & Support - Babysitting, Tutoring, Mentoring (Sign up for an info meeting here)
Financial Support - Giving to Foster Care & Adoption Ministry (Give here)
I’m ready to make a lifestyle change and commit to ongoing, intensive training and preparation to support children in care.
Adoptive Family (Find out how to get started here)
Foster Family (Sign up for an info meeting here)
Respite Family (Sign up for an info meeting here)
CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocate (Find out how to get started here)
Ready to become a foster or respite family?
The first step in becoming a foster or respite parent is to attend training. We partner with FaithBridge Foster Care to provide training and certification. Sign up for Encounter Training, followed by Foundations or Support Team Volunteer Training below!
Step 1: Encounter Training
Investing in the life of a child doesn’t require a super hero cape. FaithBridge provides support to foster and birth families as they share God's life-changing love in the midst of crisis. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, the Encounter information meeting is the first step! If you have a heart for foster children, but aren't interested in becoming a foster parent, there are many other ways to get involved by regularly serving and ensuring that families have the support they need. Click the link below to find a training location near you!
Step 2 (for foster and respite): Foundations Training
After attending an Encounter meeting, this multi-day training is the next step in becoming a licensed foster or respite family. If you are ready to begin the process of becoming a FaithBridge foster or respite family, this training is for you! Click the link below to find a training location near you!
Step 2 (for volunteers): Support Team Volunteer Training
If you're interested in investing in a foster family in your community, and have already attended an Encounter meeting, this next step training session is for you! The 2-hour training helps volunteers be better prepared to work children in care and serve foster families as babysitters, tutors, mentors, drivers, etc. Click the link below to find a training location near you!
Current Foster, Adoptive & Respite Families:
Sign up to Attend a Foster and Adoptive Mom Meet-Up!
Foster, Adoptive, & Respite moms from Northside Church gather to listen, learn, and grow together. If you are currently a foster, respite, or adoptive mom, we would love for you to join us! (SIGN UP HERE)
Help fund the Foster & Adoption Ministry:
You can help fund Northside Foster Care & Adoption Ministry by giving online using the link below. Your donations support children in care and the foster and adoptive families who serve them in our church community. Donations are 100% tax deductible.