Missionary Partners
Northside Foster Care & Adoption
We work to support the foster and adoptive families in our Faith Family through our care teams.
Matt Hulgan
Bible Training for Church Pastors
Matt works with BTCP, Bible Training for Church Pastors, to equip ministry leaders to know, understand, apply and teach God’s word.
Tyler + Natalie Joyner
Willeo River Church
Tyler serves as Lead Planter of Willeo River Church, a new church plant in Roswell, GA
Shane + Jennifer Critser
Shane & Jennifer Critser moved to Los Angeles in 2018 to help plant churches with the Send Network after serving as a Northside pastor for several years. They also serve as church planting team members with Story City Church.
John + Caroline Norris
John & Caroline Norris moved to the United Arab Emirates in 2017. John is the lead pastor of Redeemer Al Ain, a gospel community for this diverse and strategic location.
Michael + Anne Ramsden
Michael travels around the world equipping ministry leaders to effectively communicate the gospel and make disciples.
North Central Area Mission
North Central Area Mission is working to see 100 churches in our network working together to reach every man, woman, and child in our area with the Gospel by 2032.
SRV is dedicated to serving local church leaders among the world's most marginalized people groups in Bibleless and unreached areas around the world.
The Send Network
The Send Network exists to strategically support and plant churches throughout North America. Learn more about the Send Network.
Send Relief exists to respond to life-altering moments with the life-giving gospel of Jesus. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, caring for refugees, fighting human trafficking, or providing clean water, we are committed to connecting people in need with people who care.
The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. Learn more about the IMB.
North Fulton FCA
FCA’s mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Georgia Baptist Mission Board