Jesus Is Better - Hebrews 6:1-12
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+ FEB 16: Lord's Supper
+ FEB 16: Multiply Interest Meeting 9am
+ FEB 16: Men's Basketball
+ FEB 14-17: LA Mission Trip
+ FEB 17: Northside Ladies' Bible Study 7pm
+ FEB 23: Baptism Day
+ FEB 28-MAR 1: LIFT Weekend for Students
+ MAY 31-JUNE 5: Student Camp
Jesus is our king
Jesus is our priest
Jesus is our example
Group Activity - Have your group break into smaller groups of 2-4 people. Have the people in the small group come up with their answer to the following:
You are a group tasked with creating a society/kingdom on an island. You choose your own leadership structure, laws, restaurants, entertainment, type of music, jobs, transportation, safety/military, etc. Spend 3-5 minutes brainstorming what you would create.
Have the groups present what their ideas with the rest of the group.
We had (Iām sure some humorous) ideas about creating a new kingdom. Jesus came to establish a new kingdom among us. What is particular about the kingdom that Jesus came to create? How have you witnessed the kingdom of Jesus in your life?
Why are we so often drawn to admire the kingdom of the world over the kingdom of Christ? Why is the kingdom of Christ better?
What is your role in the Kingdom of Christ?
What is beautiful about Jesus being our priest?
Jesus in our model in faithfulness to spiritual disciplines. What are spiritual disciplines? How can we help one another in faithfulness to spiritual disciplines? What is a good next step? How can we follow up with each other this week?