Romans 15:14-21

Group Discussion Questions

  1. Read Romans 15:14-21

  2. What is the difference between spiritual encouragement and flattery?

  3. What was commendable about the church in Rome (Romans 15:14)?

  4. Are these three commendable characteristics common in your group? How can you make them more so?

  5. Take some time for members of your group to provide spiritual encouragement. “________, I see the grace of God in your life when you __________.”

  6. How can we move from managing or eliminating struggle to seeing struggle as a means to conform to the image of Jesus? Can you give examples in your life of how Jesus has used struggle to draw you close to Himself?

  7. 3.2 billion people in over 7,000 people groups comprise what we call “unreached peoples.” Does this number surprise you? What we can do to impact it?


Romans 15:22-33


Romans 15:8-13