Romans 14:1-12

Group Discussion Questions

  1. Read Romans 14:1-12

  2. Who is your favorite movie or cartoon villain? Why? What were they fighting about?

  3. What is particularly frustrating about Christian disunity?

  4. In what ways in our culture do you see people striving to be a king? (Particular preferences, approaching everything as a pick-and-choose buffet, never satisfied, always changing, demanding service, etc.)

  5. How does Jesus change our view of seeing ourself as a king? How has Jesus changed your view of self as king?

  6. What is licentiousness and what is legalism? Have you witnessed either of these, or both of these, at play in your life? How have you addressed them?

  7. Explain the 3 tier differences in theology. Is this helpful? Why?

  8. What is the key to gospel unity?


Romans 14:13-23


Romans 13:8-14