Movement Fund
Total goal for the next 3 years: $3,100,000
To accomplish this vision and build a healthy future, it will require prayerful, sacrificial, generous giving from everyone. We are eager to see how God moves to further our mission in this next season. We are inviting everyday people to surrender their lives to Jesus, share their lives with others, and live sent by the power of the Holy Spirit.
As we celebrate our 60th anniversary as a church, we see God’s hand at work more than ever. Shifting from a “maintain and react” phase, to a new season of aligning our values of truth, care, and missions to our gospel centered vision for future generations.
We long to see a God glorifying movement of disciple-making disciples and healthy multiplying churches in north Atlanta and beyond.

This is what unifies us, his gospel & his word.
[See Colossians 3:16]
In an era of confusion and dwindling spiritual courage, Northside Church serves as a beacon, guiding the lost and broken towards Him. We have experienced significant growth in our Sunday’s gatherings, Kidside ministry, and Student Ministry as our people have taken next steps in their walk with Jesus. However, our current campus has its limits as we aim to nurture the next generation and expand our leadership team.
Create campus spaces for future generations to gather that foster community, grow disciples and equip ministry leaders to guide others in their growth.
+ Engage experts to help develop and implement a campus master plan to optimize the xx acres and xx sq feet of buildings,
+ Repurpose the xx sq.feet available in the large chapel as a ministry leader training and bible study facility
+ Cost: $1.7M
Meet immediate campus needs to remove barriers to gather for worship, teaching, and training
+ Update current sound system, acoustic design, and lighting in auditorium
+ Maintenance and care of buildings and property (roofs, parking lots, etc.)
+ Cost: $325K

This is what strengthens us - His love and his examples.
[See Acts 2:42-47 & Psalm 68:5-6a]
Grow our foster and adoption ministry
Our church has a passion for supporting adoptive and foster families. Yet, since COVID, foster family numbers have decreased while children in need have increased. We must do more.
+ Increase our designated fund to support our adoptive and foster families
+ elevate the director of adoption and foster ministry to a paid position.
+ Cost: $50k
Be debt free by 2027
We desire to be better positioned to meet ministry needs, add church staff, and expand our reach in care and missions. We’ve paid off almost $1m of debt in the last 10 years, but there is still work to do. Your giving to this fund will enable us to pay off the remaining $850k over the next 2 years.
+ Cost: $850k

This is what compels us - His Spirit and his task.
[See Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:18-20]
Plant/revitalize 3 churches in the next 5 years
We need more healthy churches and we desire to see trained and equipped leaders go out and accomplish His task through these missional efforts. A 2021 LifeWay study found that 4500 churches closed their doors in 2019, while only 3000 new congregations were started. The U.S. is losing roughly 1500 churches each year. Median worship attendance has decreased from 137 people to 65 people in the last two decades.
+ Start a new church, replant an existing church, and support a new church plant.
+ Cost $150k
By 2027, envision our transformed space: a redesigned campus, renovated chapel for leadership training, optimized auditorium for worship, 20 foster families, no debt, and three additional churches glorifying God. We urge every Northsider to give beyond their regular giving to the Movement Fund, aiming for 100% participation.