Matthew - Part 42
Discussion Questions:
If you could “go back” in time, and do something different, what would you do and why?
What was something that peaked your interest or caught your attention?
Read Matthew 19, the story of the rich young ruler
Growing up, what was your perspective about money?
Saint :) Dave Ramsey said “money will make you more of what you already are.” What do you think he meant by that? Do you agree or disagree with that?
Why do you think Jesus responded to the rich young ruler’s question “what must I do to be saved” by saying “keep the commandments”? What was Jesus attempting to do? What other passages of scripture support that interpretation?
Dustin mentioned the problem was not his wealth, the problem was his worship. Thoughts?
What is worship? How can we identify what we worship?
How can we shift our worship from “created things” to the “creator God”?
If you were to do that, how could/would that make a difference in your life?
What do you believe God is calling you to do? What is your immediate next step?
How can this group help you?