Matthew - Part 36

Discussion Questions:

Read Matthew 18:1-8

- What peaked your interest from the sermon?

- What were the two points of the sermon?

- The disciples asked Jesus “who is greatest in the kingdom,” and Jesus replied by placing a child in front of them. What do you think Jesus was trying to communicate to the disciples?

- How else do we see this “upside down kingdom” in the teachings of Jesus?

- How does this perspective fly in the face of our culture?

- The second point talked about “committing to Jesus.” Let’s build a large list of ways in which we can commit to the kingdom?

- Someone tell a story of how you made the decision to commit to the kingdom. What did God call you to do? What fear and/or anxiety stood in the way? What was the result? How did God use that to mature you?

- As disciples, we are also called to “teach others.” Who was it that taught you? What did they do? What did they say? How did they make an impact on you?

- What is a simple next step you could take to emulate them in the life of someone else?


Matthew - Part 37


Matthew - Part 35