Jesus Is Better - Hebrews 12:14-29
1/ What is your city and is it shakable?
2/ What happens when Jesus is your city?
3/ What can destroy your city
What is your favorite kind of vacation? Mountains, lake, beach, cruise?
What does it take for you to have a good vacation? Schedule, place, food, etc.
It’s interesting how each one of us thinks of rests differently. Aren’t we all striving for some kind of lifestyle, season of life, place, or circumstances that will allow us to experience peace?
We are striving for a city, a place of peace, security, permanence, prosperity, safety, and fulfillment.
Did you understand the “Jesus as your city” concept? What questions do you have?
Have you had a time in your life where your foundation was shaken and you learned of some cracks in what you were building your life on? What did you learn?
What are some of the great benefits you have experienced with Christ as your city?
What keeps us from making Christ our city?