Jesus is Better - Hebrews 2:5-13
People are valuable, but Jesus is better because:
Jesus is our king
Jesus is our champion
Jesus is our brother
Are we influenced in our culture to believe that people are at the center of the universe? How so?
Are we influenced in our culture to believe that people are not valuable? How so?
What is the proper perspective to have of ourselves, and our fellow brothers and sisters?
From the message, what are the three reasons why Jesus is better?
If Jesus is King, then what does it mean to live as a member of His kingdom?
How is Jesus our champion?
What strikes you about the face that Jesus is our brother?
+ JAN 25: Hope Church Meeting
+ JAN 26: ReDiscover Kidside
+ JAN 30: Ladies' Gathering
+ FEB 2: Discover Northside
+ FEB 3: Ladies' Bible Study Begins
+ FEB 9: Northside Family Meeting
+ FEB 16: Men's Basketball
+ FEB 14-17: LA Mission Trip
+ MAY 31-JUNE 5: Student Camp