Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1:1-4


Jesus is better because of who He is and what He does. 

Who He is

Message from the Father

Heir of all things

Radiance of the glory of God

Exact imprint of God’s nature

Superior to angels

What He does

Creator of the world

Universe upholder

Purifier of sins

Sitting down at the right hand of the Father


  • Reflect on a time that you experienced something new and it was better than what you had experienced in the past. Think: vacation spot, a new sport, food, restaurant, entertainment venue, music artist. 

  • How do we usually make priorities in our lives? Do we organize our lives around what we think is best? How do we arrive at those priorities?

  • If Jesus truly is better than anything, what does that mean for us? Do you care to share your answer to the first sermon fill-in-the-blank question?

  • For you, how can you better live out the priority that Jesus is better than anything?


Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1:5-14