Faith Does - James 5:1-6

Main Sermon Points:

  1. Trust in money won’t provide a lasting return

  2. We are accountable for how we conduct our business

  3. Be wise about when to say, “This is enough.”

Discussion Questions:

  • Think back to your childhood and share one thing that you remember wanting for Christmas. Where did that item end up?

  • Think back to a previous season of life as an adult and share one thing that you remember wanting. Where did that item end up?

  • Why do we often forget how things fail to provide true satisfaction?

  • Share a story or two of a supervisor who treated us well along the way. What did they do that made them special?

  • For those who oversee employees in the room, how can we better be a shepherd to them?

  • When is enough, enough? How do we know?


Faith Does - James 5:7-12


Faith Does - James 4:13-17