Advent - Week 3

Discussion Questions:

  • To get a better understanding of the Life and Story of Judas Iscariot, read Luke 6 [12-16], Matthew 26 [14-25], [47-56], and 27 [1-10]

  • What were the 3 Scenes and 6 Lessons from the Sermon?

  • Which lesson stood out to you the most? Why is that?

  • This may seem obvious, but list as many examples of evidence that Judas had.

  • As we make disciples, why is it important for us to remember that evidence can’t change a person’s heart?

  • Do you agree or disagree with the statement, “your primary calling as a disciple of Jesus is relationship with Jesus, not doing things for Jesus.” What’s the danger in getting those out of order?

  • Why should we dethrone our desires, and how do we do it?

  • Someone explain the differences between godly grief and worldly grief?

  • Why is it important for us to remember that Jesus is patient, loving and kind?

  • What do you want to remember from our discussion today?

  • What is a next step you need to take this week?

  • How can this group pray for you?


Advent - Week 4


Advent - Week 2