Jesus is Better - Hebrews 2:1-4

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who was your childhood best friend and are you still close with them? If not, what caused you to “drift”? 

  2. Have you known someone who has drifted away from the Gospel? What happened? 

  3. What is the primary “danger” in your life that has or could cause you to “drift” in your relationship with Jesus?

  4. In what ways can you “pay much closer attention?” (Verse 1) 

  5. Read verses 3-4. Why is the Gospel trustworthy? In what ways was it “validated” in your life when you surrendered your life to Jesus? 

  6. What are the next steps for you to stay “anchored" in the good news of the Gospel? 


JAN 19: Lord's Supper
JAN 25: Hope Church Meeting
JAN 26: ReDiscover Kidside
JAN 30: Ladies' Gathering
FEB 2: Discover Northside
FEB 3: Ladies' Bible Study Begins
FEB 9: Northside Family Meeting
FEB 9: Men's Basketball
FEB 14-17: LA Mission Trip


Jesus is Better - Hebrews 2:5-13


Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1:5-14